Artist: Tammy Antoinette
Business: Jewelry by Tammy Antoinette
Web site:
Location: Orlando, Florida
What do you create?
Handmade jewelry, fabricated with sterling, brass, and other materials such as vintage glass and gemstones.
Where and when do you do your creative work?
I do my work from home. I have a workbench and all my tools set up inside a screened-in patio. I love all the natural light and the sounds of nature I have while working out there. I do my metal work out on my bench, and my beaded work inside the home.
Do you have another "day job"?
Yes, I work as a graphic artist during the day.
Where and what did you study?
I received a Bachelor's in Graphic Design, and am mainly self-taught in jewelry and metal. I have taken a few basic classes in beaded jewelry and metalsmithing, but most of what I've learned comes from reading a lot and experimenting on my own.
Where do you find inspiration?
It is difficult to get specific with this one, because I find inspiration in everything – sometimes in people, in music, in architecture, in food, in nature. Inspiration from any of these things can lead me to a new idea in my jewelry designs. I try to leave myself open to everything, and I am constantly aware of the beauty and inspiration in even the smallest things that surround me.
What motivates you?
I love to figure things out. I am in awe of the idea of something coming from nothing. What motivates me is the entire creative process. I love starting with nothing but raw materials and pieces of glass or stone, and using tools along with my imagination, to create something that only a while ago did not exist.
When did you start doing this?
I remember making necklaces from seashells and flowers as a little girl. I grew up in western New York, and my father used to take us to Florida to visit my grandparents every summer. For those of you who have not experienced western New York, it is cold and gray for the better part of the year, and there is no ocean... pretty dismal if you ask me. When we reached Florida, I was like a caged animal ready to be released into this sunny paradise that was unlike anything I had ever known. I can remember it like it was yesterday, running down the shore by the surf with my sister, without a care in the world, collecting seashells. I remember stringing together a necklace with my shells and tying on flowers by their stems. I am not sure that was really jewelry making, I think it was more just play, but in any case that was the first piece of jewelry I remember making. I've been making jewelry for about seven or eight years now, but decided to turn it into a business about two years ago.
Do you remember getting into art as a kid?
My mom was an exceptional artist, when she wasn't busy working her day job and taking care of us. She was into oil painting and watercolor, and then later woodworking. We always had tools of the trade laying around the house, so yes I was very much into art as a kid. I think most kids get into creating art in some fashion or another, whether it be with crayons, finger paints, or mustard and ketchup.
When and why did you decide to start your own business?
I started making jewelry as a hobby, just because I enjoyed doing it. But I started getting many compliments and requests for custom designs from friends and family. I was at the point in my life when I was still trying to figure out what I was best at. I think sometimes when we can't figure it out for ourselves, we should listen to what other people tell us we are good at. I realized that throughout my life, I always received compliments on the things I would create. Growing up, I used to make my own clothes, belts, greeting cards, jewelry. It didn't matter what it was, I was always creating something. Once I realized that this is something that is not going to go away, that I am always going to feel the need to create, and that people actually like the things I create, that is when I realized that I wanted to start my own business selling my creations. That was about two years ago. I started off selling my jewelry by word of mouth and then I found Etsy and opened up a storefront in June of 2007.
How did you choose the name for your business?
Well, the name used to be Girl In World and that is because I never want to lose my sense of wonder – no matter how old I become, no matter that I am now a grown woman, I always want to look at the world through the eyes of a girl, a girl who still believes in magic and mystery, because believing in these things keeps me inspired. I changed the name of my store to Tammy Antoinette a while ago because I want my name to be linked to my jewelry.
What do you love most about creating your work?
I love the entire process, but most of all I feel very honored and extremely happy when others buy or compliment my work. It feels great to know that people like what I create!
What's the most fascinating place you've been?
Ummmmm, can I get back to you on that? I still have some traveling to do. Any place that I have not been is the most fascinating place to me. I haven't traveled outside of the country, except to the Bahamas when I was very young. I am so very eager to explore other countries.
A book you love:
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry
What is the most interesting thing about you?
I can run really fast, and I used to leave even the boys in the dust.
What achievement are you most proud of?
I am proud that I am doing what I love and making a living at it, both my jewelry and graphic design.
What advice would you give women starting their own business?
Have faith in your capabilities, and don't be afraid to take chances.
What's the biggest challenge you face in your work?
TIME... having enough time to get it all done and still have time to come up with new ideas.
What do you love to do in your free time?
Spend time enjoying life with the people I love.
What are you working on right now?
I am working on my first collection (complete set) of exclusive designs for a jewelry boutique that contacted me about my work!
What do you hope to achieve next?
I hope to drop my daytime graphic design job like a hot potato, in order to concentrate first on my jewelry and possibly offer my services in freelance graphic design work as well.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tammy Antoinette ... Florida, USA
Posted by
Sweet Olive Press | Helen
Labels: girlinworld, handmade jewelry, jeweler, jewellery, tammy antoinette
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Betsy Walton ... Oregon, USA
Artist: Betsy Walton
Business: Gridplane, Inc
Web sites:,,
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
What do you create?
Paintings, drawings and illustrations.
Where and when do you do your creative work?
I work in my home studio. I work at different times depending on my schedule, but I try to get some drawing or painting in every day when possible.
Do you have another "day job"?
Not right now. I left my last job to work on my art and illustration business full time.
Where and what did you study?
I studied printmaking at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Graduated in 2000 with a BFA.
Where do you find inspiration?
I had a teacher once who said that inspiration comes from work. I really try to develop my inspirational momentum by working as often as I can, even when I feel totally flat. If things aren’t flowing, I usually try to get a change of scenery. A walk outside or through Powells books here in Portland usually snaps me out of it.
I’ve been doing my own sort of religious/cultural/philosophical studies course by cobbling together books, podcasts and conversations with friends. I think this has really informed my work over the last several months also.
Nature is always amazing to me. Traveling to a new place is also great for inspiration. I also look to aesthetic traditions in different cultures and lots of art for inspiration. I like to keep my eye on design too. I love to look at other artists work also, both old and new. Ultimately though, I get most inspired by the chase – trying to find that new image and story that can show me something I wouldn’t see otherwise.
What motivates you?
A combination of curiosity, fear and joy.
When did you start doing this?
I started to focus solely on my art and illustration business in 2006, but I have been making art since I was a little kid.
Do you remember getting into art as a kid?
Yep. Seems like I was always taking some type of class, and I did lots of coloring and drawing at home and at friends' houses. I went to ceramics class and made weird little sculptures. I was into carving soap for a while.
When and why did you decide to start your own business?
I made the leap to art-making full time in 2006. I really love the freedom of being self-employed. It's full of surprises.
How did you choose the name for your business?
I use my own name mostly, since name recognition is so important in this field. Technically, though, my business is part of Gridplane Inc, which I co-own with my husband. He has been using that name for several years.
What do you love most about creating your work?
I love that it is engaging on lots of levels. It can be so much fun and so challenging, often at the same time. I like to get immersed and lost in the process. I like that I can work on my own terms, and I can do lots of different types of things.
What's the most fascinating place you've been?
The ocean.
A book you love:
There are lots. At the moment, I’m getting reacquainted with a book I got in college called Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art. It’s a collection of artists' writings about their work, and it’s really great for getting a sense of perspective.
What is the most interesting thing about you?
Hmm, I have a freckle in my right eye.
What achievement are you most proud of?
I’m just thrilled to be at this point in my career, I get paid to draw and paint and make stuff!
What advice would you give women starting their own business?
Give yourself the benefit of the doubt.
What's the biggest challenge you face in your work?
Decisions, decisions. Both on the creative side and the business side.
What do you love to do in your free time?
Catch up with friends. Wander through junk shops and bookstores, maybe get a coffee and take a walk in the forest. The best is to get a beach house or a cabin or a campsite and get out of town for a couple days.
What are you working on right now?
I’m working on my May show at Rare Device San Francisco. I also just started a new project called Today's Painting Progress. My goal is to document my work at the end of each painting session and post it on my Flickr page.
What do you hope to achieve next?
I have some ideas for little 3-D versions of my characters that I want to explore. And I want to grow some vegetables.
Posted by
Sweet Olive Press | Helen
Labels: artist, Betsy Walton, children's illustrations, drawing, illustrator, painting